Kimber Hero vs Morrow Audio vs ? Analog interconnects

So, I have:

-Margules ACRH1.2 integrated amp
-B&W DM602 S3 standmounters biwired with Kimber 4TC
-Denon DVD-3910 
-Project Debut with Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge

For years I have used Kimber PBJ interconnects, an upgrade? so, Im looking something in the price range of Kimber Hero moreless.

What would be your recomendation?
Kimber Hero (Ilike the brand) Morrow Audio?, other brand? Anticables? to name a few

Unfortunately no loaners here in Mexico City to perform tests.



Showing 1 response by ajnackman

I have directly compared a pair of the Kimber PBJ's and Hero's. The cables are quite different. The PBJ's to my ears were more transparent and had a deeper soundstage. The Hero's were a "better" cable in the sense of detail/low end and had a wider soundstage. I heard more expressive base that sometimes overwhelmed the mids/treble and ended up muddying the waters in my system (kef LS50, red dragon s500, metrum amethyst DAC). That being said, I liked both cables differently but did not want to choose between the better aspects of both cables for an upgrade.

Because of that, I went with morrow's MA-4 interconnect which you can get used or at a serious discount. Never pay retail as Mike often runs sales. I previously had an MA-4 running between my passive volume control and power amp, but wanted to try one between my source and the passive pre. I bought a used cable and to my ears, has the best qualities of both Kimber cables if not surpassing them in more detail and a more balanced sound. I splurged for the silver interconnects and I found that they give my system a faster feel and more sparkly on the top end.

However, I am also interested in Mike's new cable design. I wonder if there have been any tariff impacts on silver prices in his supply chain. I am contemplating purchasing new SP-6's to compare to my old SP-4's and will likely start a thread if I do to help others out.