Kimber from Monster First sound thin Now awesome

I made a major jump in price from my beloved Monster M4.4 Biwire cables to the Very costly Kimber Bifocal XL.

My first impression was that I lost a lot of bass with the kimbers. The kimbers did immediately seem to have a much clearer sound like a veil was removed, I also noticed a much deeper and wider soundstage. After time It seems that the bass reappeared but in a much more controlled and tighter fashion. They were used when I purchased them but they seem to have "broken in. The cables make my system "tubes that rock" sound better than ever.

I am still skeptical about such expensive cables sounding better but I have been listening for about 25 hours and really think they made a major difference. I cant understand why when I first hooked them up they sounded like I had lost all the bass. I triple checked my research with Led Zepplins In my time of dying at 50 and there is no bass missing the system rocks!
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Showing 3 responses by rodman99999

If cables have been sitting, unused, for a period of time- the dielectric will lose the charge that they've built during the "burn-in" period. That takes a bit of "burning-in(re-burning?)" to restore. Wait until they've been in the system for a couple hundred hours. Ill bet they continue to improve. OH- If anyone tries to tell you, "Your ears are just adjusting to the sound": Ignore them!
Believe what you want. The only perfect dielectric is a vacuum(second best is air). All other dielectric materials absorb energy(it's called, "dielectric absorption") and in a cable, will release it with a slight delay(not desirable for a number of audible reasons). Capacitors will do the same thing, only with more obvious results: (,1570,28,00.html) The better cables and capacitors available use polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, Teflon or foam with high air content dielectrics to avoid the problem. They are slower to absorb and absorb less energy. That's why these cables, interconnects and caps take longer to "burn-in", but(ultimately) sound much better. Make that: "don't sound" as transparency(adding or taking away nothing from the original signal) SHOULD be the ultimate goal of a cable, cap or interconnect. But that's just what I personally look for in those components.
If you'll bother to look at the site I posted: You might note that National Semiconductor listed some simple tests that you can perform to verify that dielectrics DO INDEED store energy. It's not a matter of "buying" anything, but rather accepting facts. Based on the responses received so very often in these threads: I don't really expect some to either accept scientific fact, OR do any experiments(such as those mentioned above) on their own. It's much more comfortable(for some) to remain in the dark, than to admit one's misconceptions. There are those in these threads that remain open enough to accept new ideas, try new things and learn(like Weiserb). I've been an experimenter/tweeker most of my life, and with them I can relate. YES- Cable, interconnect or chassis resonances/movements do indeed affect signal transmission and a system's sound. That coupled with dielectric absorption, capacitive coupling to "Earth Ground", static electricity, and dielectric interference with carpeting(all possibilities- not necessarily present in every audio chain) are all reasons that cable risers can affect reproduction in a resolving system(believe it or not!).