Kimber from Monster First sound thin Now awesome

I made a major jump in price from my beloved Monster M4.4 Biwire cables to the Very costly Kimber Bifocal XL.

My first impression was that I lost a lot of bass with the kimbers. The kimbers did immediately seem to have a much clearer sound like a veil was removed, I also noticed a much deeper and wider soundstage. After time It seems that the bass reappeared but in a much more controlled and tighter fashion. They were used when I purchased them but they seem to have "broken in. The cables make my system "tubes that rock" sound better than ever.

I am still skeptical about such expensive cables sounding better but I have been listening for about 25 hours and really think they made a major difference. I cant understand why when I first hooked them up they sounded like I had lost all the bass. I triple checked my research with Led Zepplins In my time of dying at 50 and there is no bass missing the system rocks!
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Showing 1 response by jallen

I don't buy the storage energy thing either. What is stored should not be an issue. I think that the movement of cables deteriorates the sound and this is discussed by Cardas Audio and I have also heard this phenomenon. This may be some of the "molecular alignment" theory that is out there too. There is something to it, but there remains more questions than answers with regard to alignment/realignment. Jallen