Killer Specs for High End PC in 2006

I have read several different threads re iPods for audio and video, as well as various suppliers for the custom PC of my Audiogon dreams.

However, when speaking to PC builders, I have been caught surprisingly off guard when asked for the specs - I would have thought I knew what I wanted, but I am not yet clear enough to place the order.

In fact, I was practically flamed in another forum, by simply saying that I wanted the fastest, "best" PC with tons of memory and disk space for audio and video applications.

Given that PCs are not very expensive, and are not room dependent like audio, I still dont understand the mystery of building a cost no object, Windows based PC.

I would guess Alienware or other high end gaming PCs might be a good rough draft. But I dont want geeky hobbyist cases, gaming will not be my primary focus and I would like the audio and video to be even more sophisticated.

So I would greatly appreciate any advice and perhaps we can collectively design the ultimate, multimedia PC?

Here are my initial, perhaps frustratingly vague thoughts:

Maximum memory and hard drive space for audio/video
Capacity for additional, stackable hard drive modules
Ability to read and "burn" both CDs and DVDs
Fast "boot up", lean mean OS
Is component output for video possible?
Digital output (WAV files?) for external DAC?
Multiple monitors - at LEAST 3 - in "hydra" configuration
Video sufficient for video, gaming, but not necessarily CAD or molecular research
High end PC, or HTPC cases, as linked in other threads
Keyboard also "high end" build quality, preferably wireless
Robust, reliable build quality (dont want tweaky cooling systems for overclocking etc. if that reduces reliability)

I realize these few points may barely begin to solve the puzzle here, but perhaps this might inspire some thinking for others who plan to build a PC.

And any ideas, suggestions, personal experiences or vendors would be greatly appreciated.


Extra Credit I

I thought it might be interesting to also design the ultimate "nearfield" audio system to go with this concept.

Powered studio monitors? Electrostatics for low level clarity? Surround sound perfectly oriented to the desk chair of this computer?

That could be another thread all by itself but please let us hear your ideas here too.

Extra Credit II

Another idea - could this system also be the hub of a LAN?

Could I log onto this system remotely, using it as a server, and accessing my files? And connect to a wireless router so send music around the house?

Showing 1 response by wordalive

I have recently replaced my Pre/Pro,scaler-line doubler,dvd player, swithcer and processors with my HTPC.

I have the following:

Win XP Professional

1GB Ram (expandable to 4GB)

512 MB Nvidia video card with DVI,VGA,Component,S-Video,or Composite out.

2 DVD Burners

200 GB 7,200rpm Seagate Hdd

Onboard SATA Raid

M-Audio Delta 410 Sound Card (1010 will be next upgrade)SPDIF in and out and independent bass management on each channel!

Wireless keyboard and mouse

Air2Pc HDTV Tuner

WinDVD 7 Platinum

Intel P4 3Ghz Processor

This processor is connected to 3 Yamaha Power Amps and 1 dbx 4 channel power amp.

Speakers are as follows:
Snell E-II (3X - Front Array)
Custom 15in Subwoofers (2 Eminence drivers)
Def Tech BP1 (Side Rear)
DCM Subwoofers (2 - connected to Def Tech's Full range)
RCA 2-way (Back Rears Kevlar midbass drivers)

I want to replace the rears with Snell's also - but this system is nice. My old pre/pro was a citation 7.0/technics shac-500 combo. I'm happy to report that my computer has taken the pain away - along with over 20 cables