Kharma Midi vs. Sonus Faber Stradivari Amati

In the next few days I have to decide between Sonus Faber Stradivari (or Amati Anniversario) and Kharma Midi Exquisite. I have heard Sonus in my room and know exactly what they can do there. I loved musicality of SF, yet I have read rave reviews on Kharma. If anyone has listened to both of them and would like to graciously contribute some thoughts, it would help me a great deal.
I'm mainly curious if I would lose that musical aspect of presentation that is easily available with SF.

Showing 2 responses by hooper

I think Greg hit the nail on the head. I've heard both (I owned the Midi Equisites), and I thought the Stradivari was more musically engaging. The Kharma, IMO, is much more hifi-ish in its presentation. It's more extended on top, and the bass is a little faster, but that diamond tweeter can sound a little strident at times. If you want to enjoy every single recording you have--good, bad, or ugly--go with the Stradivari. If you want to eke out the last iota of detail from your recordings, and want the ultimate in transparency, then maybe the Kharma is a better fit. Depends entirely on your priorities. Both are world-class.
Fmpnd is right about the Kharma's diamond tweeter. It's not really strident per se, but it definitely needs the right amplification. In his system, it sounded extremely good, but I've heard it other systems--particularly with solid-state amplification--where it did indeed sound strident. As for the Midi, I owned it and sold it pretty quickly. As Fmpnd indicated, it sounded lifeless and closed-in.