Kharma Midi vs. Sonus Faber Stradivari Amati

In the next few days I have to decide between Sonus Faber Stradivari (or Amati Anniversario) and Kharma Midi Exquisite. I have heard Sonus in my room and know exactly what they can do there. I loved musicality of SF, yet I have read rave reviews on Kharma. If anyone has listened to both of them and would like to graciously contribute some thoughts, it would help me a great deal.
I'm mainly curious if I would lose that musical aspect of presentation that is easily available with SF.

Showing 2 responses by anupmc

FWIW, I auditioned both extensively with the same electronics (Goldmund) in the same room...They're both fantastics, but ultimately I selected the Kharmas, for two reasons...

1) IMO, the Midis are much more room friendly. You have alot less to do to get them sounding right in most rooms.

2) IMO, the Strads appeared to colour music a little more than the Midis do. Things sound richer than in real-life (though in a pleasing way of course ;)

Ultimately, IMHO, theres no right or wrong choosing between these. Just a matter of your personal taste perference.

Regarding the various other comments about the Midis above... make sure you're auditioning a well burned-in unit, a pair that has at least about 4 months of daily use on them... otherwise you're not truly hearing what these speakers are capable of (probably true of most speakers, but the Midis especially because of their 2 Nomex Kevlar bass drivers requiring lots of time to loosen up).

IMHO, they're far from uninvolving and strident and among the most neutral/realistic sounding speakers around. Definitely agree that they need good amplification (I've got them paired with a Boulder 2060).

Yes, you understood me correctly :-)

That said, IMO, the actual street price of the Midis reflect its value more accurately...

(Hint: Look at the 2nd hand prices of both... uplift from there to guage what their best street price might be ;-)