Kharma CRM 3.2F

Have ny of you heard this very expensive two-way speaker. It features the same drivers (high and mid range) and crossover components as the Exquisite.
Jtinn, In comparing the Kharma 3.2s with the Lumenwhites wrote that the Lumenwhites:

"They are not as fast, not as transparent, not as resolute, not as easy to drive. They do not have as good bass, the detail retrieval is not nearly as good either."

Well, we are not dealers for either, though we have been considering both for a long time. With the caveat that we have only heard them both (many times) at shows, I dissagree with about 1/2 of Jtinn's statement: It is the Lumenwhites that are faster, they have comparable bass (more quicker and detailed, less full sounding - which may or may not be better depending on your taste), and are better at detail retrieval. Kharmas are certainly easy to drive.

As far as transparency (and overall musicality), I personally value this more highly than the other attributes but have not reached any conclusions yet. If I had to choose today I would probably go with the Kharmas on this one.

Not to start anything - but I didn't want to let this one-sided viewpoint go unchallenged because the Lumenwhites are very interesting contenders in this price range.

I recently traded in my JM Lab Utopias for the Kharma's. Needless to say, I absolutely loved the Utopias, however, as I was downsizing my home, I needed a smaller speaker. I was amazed to hear, that with the exception of the bass, the Kharma actually is more extended, more neutral, frankly more musical that the Utopia. They are inch for inch the best speaker I have heard. I would suggest that the Kharma's are clearly optimized by Lamm electronics and Kharma or Purist Audio cables. And as someone else asked, the Kharma interconnects are, to my ears, the absolute best, if you can bring yourself to pay the price.
Boxer, which Kharma's did you buy? The 3.2's? I just purchased a pair of Ceramique 1's and not sure which speaker cables to eventually go with. You mentioned Purist Audio? Have you compared them to Cardas Golden Reference?

P.S. Nice user name! :o)
dear jordan,
call the cable company,talk to robert stein,i think he has 1 pair kharma enigma cable,its the best for your speaker