kenwood ka 8100 runs hot when played loud on kef 104 .2

kenwood ka 8100 runs hot played lound on kef 104.2 4om  kenwood is 4om to 16oms thanks .
If this happened recently, or only one channel runs hot, then it's a problem with the amp. But if not, it's like George said, it's too low of an impedance on the Kenwood.

The old Kef 104.2’s (really great speaker when driven correctly) were a beast of a load for an amp, that needed big current from it. Sorry but your KA8100 just isn’t up to it.
To do them service those Kef’s would like (staying with integrateds) a eg (low cost) integrated like a used John Curl designed Parasound Halo Hint (early model), if you have the $$ then the Hint6 (later model)

Cheers George