Kef vs Thiel

I have a pretty good setup going and I believe my system can handle the very truthful Thiel speakers. I have a set of Kef Reference Ones and used to have an old set of 103s (which is where I fell in love with the Kef sound!).

Looking to do an upgrade and came across a guy with a set of Reference Model Fours. I also have a perspective with a set of Thiel 3.6s. Where should I go! Yes, I do have available power for both of these sets!

Give me some opinions, I like my Jazz, Female Vocals, and classic Guitar. This is a real pickle!
I've had the KEF Reference One's for a few years now. Other speakers with more speed, resolution and detail have come and gone. With the KEF's I find I can put on any CD in my collection, at any volume and relax into the music. It's a vey personal choice and no one can tell you which you'll like better.
historically speaking, and today,i think the bbc and studios all over the world get it too
I've owned high end KEFs in the past - and Thiel 3.6s for nearly a decade. Despite having spent 3 years auditioning amplifiers to find "the one" that properly drives the 3.6s in an oversized listening space, I've never found an acceptable replacement.
WARNING: In my experience - the Proceed isn't going to provide the horsepower you need to drive this loudspeaker in a large listening space. It isn't a matter of volume - even accoustic music at moderate levels can strain all but the most robust amplifiers.
To make matters worse, a number of highly regarded musclular amplifiers (i.e. Bryston) don't mate well with Mr. Thiel's design.
Go with the Thiel - upgrade your amp & never look back. You willl NOT regret it.
I have a pair of Kef 107 and I have hard time to depart from them. The midrange is truthful and rich like no others. The model 4 have a different timbre, thou, in my opinion not as fluid but still, very likable. two cents.