KEF LS50W vs. Peachtree nova150 + KEF LS50?

I have a turntable I use through a Woo WA7 headphone amp and want to buy a speaker setup as well. I'm torn between:

a). Peachtree nova150 + KEF LS50


b). KEF LS50W

The LS50W will sound better -- possibly a lot better -- but there's no way to integrate the headphone amp with it. To switch the turntable input between the WA7 and the LS50W I'd have to disconnect cables or use some kind of switch/splitter.

Also, my turntable is 7 feet from my desk, and I hate getting up to manually turn the volume knob on the headphone amp. With the Peachtree/LS50 I would have the option of using the Peachtree's remote volume control.

On the other hand, because my stereo setup is 7 feet away and the Peachtree doesn't have wireless, getting digital input from my computer to it is going to be more of a struggle than with the LS50W -- I'll probably have to run a long TOSLINK cable around the room.

One provides the best sound with little flexibility; the other provides more flexibility with inferior sound. Neither option is ideal. What should I do?
