KEF LS50... The ultimate anal-ytical speaker for living rooms?

I am looking for a VERY revealing with razor-sharp imaging type of bookshelf,  but not the cost of TOTAL loss of musicality.... In other words, not necessarily full range, but at least balanced - not something that starts to roll-off at 200hz... They would be listened to mid-field, 6-7ft away in a somewhat open space.  Could it be the ls50, or is there anything else around their price-point? Thx for suggestions...

Showing 1 response by kalali

One thing that most LS50 owners agree on is the SQ of the speakers depend greatly on how much good power you feed them.  I don't own a pair but have heard them in three or four different systems, including dealer showrooms, and the SQ ranged from mediocre to excellent mostly based on the partnering amplifier. Something to keep in mind.