KEF LS50... The ultimate anal-ytical speaker for living rooms?

I am looking for a VERY revealing with razor-sharp imaging type of bookshelf,  but not the cost of TOTAL loss of musicality.... In other words, not necessarily full range, but at least balanced - not something that starts to roll-off at 200hz... They would be listened to mid-field, 6-7ft away in a somewhat open space.  Could it be the ls50, or is there anything else around their price-point? Thx for suggestions...

Showing 5 responses by clarinetmonster2

I may be in the minority, but I don't find LS50's to be very analytical, in fact, compared to other monitors I think they color the sound slightly as to add a slight sweetness to everything. Perhaps an active monitor would suit your needs better. I also agree with the ATC SCM11 recs as they are a more accurate sounding monitor to me. Another option could be one of the Amphion monitors. 
Another suggestion would be some ELAC monitors - the REAL ELACs that are made in Germany using their own drivers, including the famous JET tweeter. There’s a nice pair of BS 403 monitors on ebay right now that might be perfect for you:


Great suggestion. I actually just found out that I won a pair of the Airpulse and I can't wait to hear them! I probably would have made that specific recommendation also if I had heard them already. They will arrive next week I believe.
I entered a sweepstakes by Essence for HiRes Audio a few months ago where I had to write a blurb about why I should win them. I guess they liked it! The swepstakes entry link was posted on FB and I was already intrigued with the Airpulse speakers. If I may ask, are you using the dedicated stands or something else? I will definitely try to post my impressions soon.
The Airpule Model 1's are indeed incredibly good. They are still breaking in but the bass is some of the best I've ever heard. The imaging is great, especially in near field with some toe in. These are very very neutral sounding speakers that are very revealing like the best studio monitors, but the ribbon tweeters make them totally non-fatiguing and more fun to listen to.