KEF ls50 meta’s are on the way

Got a demo today and ordered a pair. Should arrive next week.  Will shootout with my current ls50s when they arrive.  Stay tuned.  

Showing 4 responses by djones51

Looks very good in the listening window but probably will get distortion in the bass when pushing them a bit but it is a bookshelf so that's to be expected. Nice improvement on the old model especially the wireless. 
No idea about if the app will be able to work with the old version but they added airplay and the new ones will only have one app, I guess the old version there were two you could use? 
New KEF connect app for the new wireless version 2 only. 

Note: KEF Connect is only compatible with KEF wireless speaker products using the W2 platform. For earlier platform products (LS50 Wireless/LSX), please use KEF Control and KEF Stream.