KEF first or dc10audio??

first single apparent source configuration? dc10 audio has been producing the instrument 8 PS for over 5 year all the sound comes out of the horn include the bass!

Showing 3 responses by audiofreakgeek

You don't know anything about loudspeaker design and to conclude that a microscopic loudspeaker company has the financial budget to compete with KEF is laughable.

The DC 10 vents out the bass pressure, ie a port around the tweeter, this in fact creates a secondary delayed bass frequencies which are behind the primary output of the mid woofer, this is no different than any other front ported loudspeaker, the only difference is the location of the port.

Also DC 10's larger speakers have bass drivers on the bottom front face of the speakers, this is not the same concept as producing an integrated spherical radiating pattern where all freq. are produced at the same point in space which is what is happening with the KEF which clusters all the speakers drivers in one location of the loudspeaker.

I have one issue with KEF they are not the first to do this concept, Cabasse in their LA Spere was the first company to place bass, midrange, and high frequencies tranducers directly in line with each other to simulate a proper point source, the problem with the La Sphere is $180k, ugly as sin, large footprint, and it needed to be quad amped.

The KEF Blade is the first practical full range point source.

Oh yes Mountain High the entire world is celebrating DC 10, and to say that a speaker with no novel technology, built by a company no one other than you has ever extolled vs one of the foremost loudspeaker companies in the world is laughable.

I know you are a DC 10 dealer and probably one of the only ones in the country. DC 10 speakers may sound good but there is no way in hell that you are correct.

No I don't work for KEF I do work for a dealer that does their products, but why wont' you disclose that you are probably the only DC 10 dealer in the country, I would say much more of the audio world is leaning my way lets see:

Absolute Sound review of the Blades, rave review.
Hifi Plus review of the Blades rave review.
Sound Stage What speakers would I buy for $100k Blades and Vivids.

DC 10 reviewed where, talked about by anyone other than you, the silence is deafening.

No Mountain high my point about the VR 33 is that companies like Von Schweikert are unlikely to make it in the long run, and companies which employ gimmicks to sell their products are usually desperate, and so many consumers may be left out in the cold when that company closes.

We sell the best brands in audio and no not everyone can sell them these brands include: Chord, Conrad Johnson, Gallo, KEF, Vivid, EMM Labs, Esoteric, Nottingham, Kronos, Kubala Sosna, Lyra, parasound, Electrocompaniet, AMR, Manley Labs, Cary Audio, Anthem, Nuforce, PSB, Usher, and many, many others.

You are the only one talking about these speakers, so it seems that your posts are completely self motivated, the fact that you in your mind you can compare KEF a storied design leader with $100 million a year in sales and who has been in business for 50 years, with a tiny garage manufacturer DC 10 is laughable, what is also laughable is your complete lack of understanding about loudspeaker design and engineering and finally please learn how to write English.