Kef Blades (1), being auditioned...please share your experience.

I am auditioning the Blades in my home. Aside from placement issues, I find a consistent anomaly in the low mid band frequencies and upper base frequencies. It is most recognizable in male vocals, for example, Gregory Porter. There is a crossover point where the voicing goes from warmish to just a bit thin with "edgy" overtones. Female vocals are stunning. Does anyone have any insight/experience that might help. This is consistent with CD, server, and vinyl sources.  It is also consistent with most male voices.  Your feedback is most welcome.

Showing 1 response by dodgealum

With the speakers in your room with your gear only you can (should) determine whether they are the right speaker. If you are working with a dealer ask them to ensure proper setup, sit back with your favorite music and decide whether YOU like them. This forum is (sometimes) good at helping narrow down the field where in home audition is not available but utterly useless when the speakers are sitting in your home.