KEF Blade 2 as replacement for Reference 107/2

A former owner of KEF Reference 107/2s posted that he moved to Blades, and that it is the obvious progression. I really love the sound of my 107/2s, and John Atkinson and Tom Norton raved about them in their reviews a few decades ago, but I'm wondering if it's time to move on. I haven't heard either the Blade or Blade 2s. Anyone had the opportunity to compare 107/2s with Blade 2s? I've had a lot of opportunity to compare the sound of the 107/2s with LS50s supplemented by Velodyne HGS-10 subs. The LS50s are amazing speakers, but not quite 107/2s, especially for large orchestrations.

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Showing 2 responses by schubert

Not saying this is so , I didn’t hear it my self .
But, a friend , mostly a jazz listener, told me that was true on R700 but not on R500.
If I had a good KEF made in England I would keep it .
KEF was my go-to brand for 20 years .