keeping collection organized?????

i was wondering if any of you uses some kind of computer program where you can have complete access to all the information of your collection.

Showing 1 response by jax2

I started writing it all down on some graph paper, but that got all washed-up - it got wet in the bathroom when I left it on the floor there (I'd brought it in there to do some critical editing during a lengthy session on the crapper and forgot about it when things got ugly). Next I tried putting all the info in my Palm Pilot, but that only lasted a week when I left it on an airplane and no one returned it.....back-up, back-up, back-up! I tried the Excel spreadsheet after that but I forgot my password and can't get past the startup screen now. It's in there somewhere, all neat and tidy in zeros and ones...really it is. Once I remember that password I'll probably be able to find where I left the disc for Eva Cassidy Live at Blues Alley....I have the jewelcase, but the disc went AWOL. It's all in the spreadsheet you know, so nothing to worry about. Everything's under control. Nothing to see here! You can all go home now. C'mon, get along with all of youse! Nothing to see....


PS Once I get that f&*%ing password and get my spreadsheet back I'm going to have the whole damn list tatoo'd on my left buttock so I'll never be without it again!