Kavent S33 owners...are you out there?

Just wondering if only 2 people own these things (including myself).

Showing 2 responses by kinn

Kavent S11/S22/P2200 owner here! Wish I have the S33, but couldn't pass up the change to own a mint S22 for $320! I think I am kind of the "done" side to my amp/preamp for a while. Keeping both preamps as well!

Oh yeah, and I also use Shengya rebadge of the vincent CD-S6MK in balanced mode.
I start listening right away, but normally after 20-30min, the sound has a more liquid flow to it. If I do a demo, I always let it warm up first.

In my head or not, it seems to work everytime. One thing that is upmost important is to plug the amp directly into the wall.

BTW, do you plug your amp directly to the wall, or through a power conditioner?