Kaplan GS vs. Kubala Sosna Emtiions Speaker Cables

I am thining about purchasing either the Kaplan GS Speaker cables or the Kubala Sosna Emotion Speaker Cables. Has anyone compared the two? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by wildwildwes

Hi Joseph,

I have compared the GS speaker cables against some very competent (and quite a bit more expensive) speaker cables in a revealing "reference" grade system. My conclusion is that the GS cables rivaled some of the "best" cables currently available and as such are an astounding value. As Paul suggested, try the cable for 30 days and put them up against ANYTHING. Let your ears be the judge! I suspect you'll be keeping the Kaplans.

For the record, Paul Kaplan is a friend although this in NO way has influenced my "objective" evaluation of his products.

