Kanye West - Grammy comment, re Beck

Kanye West on-camera last nite: 'Beck needs to respect artistry.' Then a long rant about...ah just watch it.

What would Kanye say about Beethoven? Or Dylan? or Matisse?

Having fun with this as Twitter is aflame already with it. But the more I think about it, the more it gnaws on me. He was referring to Beck winning Album of the Year (instead of Beyonce). I could go on a long rant myself about his ego, general creepiness, but nothing I could add. But his comments are heard by millions of music fans...

Anyhoo, anyone else see those comments? Reactions?

Showing 3 responses by minorl

I personally don't have a problem with his statement. Maybe he was just pissed. I don't remember the category but most of the voting for the Grammy's and especially the Academy Awards is extremely subjective and quite honestly, without any real basis of fact.

Now, I'm not defending this guy, but, in his opinion and many others, no way was Beck close to better than Beyoncé.

so, maybe just maybe he was pissed and voiced his opinion. more power to him. right or wrong. its funny to watch and read about.

Maybe if more people stated speaking up, the subjectivity of these "awards" would be removed and real metrics would be used in determining the "best".

No people of color was nominated for an academy award? Give me a break. enough already!

So, I think he was pissed, right or wrong. and voiced his opinion. Since he isn't a newbee, he can do this and it won't really negatively affect his career.

I think getting a conversation started is a good thing.

People are so hyped on the fact that he made the statement that maybe they are missing the point.

But, you never know.

Its still funny.

His stunts bring more viewership to the awards. That is what the sponsors want. It's all a performance. Its entertainment and designed to bring attention to himself and the grammys.

I looked at it again and once again I laughed. It was funny.

If I was married to Beyoncé and I thought she was better than Beck and thought she should have won, I would have told the reporter asking me this question the same. Maybe in a more classy way, such as, I admire Beck, but I really thought Beyoncé was the better artist and should have won.

Either way, it's entertainment. plain and simple. Take it for what it is.

Doesn't matter how many producers an artist has. I do tend to appreciate artist that write and play instruments, but that's me. However, the end result is the music for most artist. Was the music on Beyoncé's cd better or equal to Beck's? That and only that is the question.

But, better to whom? Certain people like certain types of music and not others. This is why there are so many categories.

Beyoncé is a singer and dancer/performer. That is her claim to fame. Beck is a writer/performer.

Beyoncé is a very large Las Vegas show that leaves you breathless at the end, due to the performance, dancing, lighting, pyro, etc Much like Michael Jackson.

So your definition of good music may not be the same as mine.

I personally don't care for Beck or Beyoncé's style of music, but that is just me. Good R&B, Jazz and Classical. Yeah. I can't stand modern singers that can't hold a note and fluctuate their voice all over the place to hide the fact that they can't hold a note. This style is being accepted by younger people as standard. Mostly because it is popular now and they have never really heard good singers.

Stop hating on Beyoncé. She really is a good artist and performer. Same is probably true for Beck.

This is about grabbing and holding onto the fan's attention and keeping one's name in the news.

Kanye West is stupidly rich for a reason. This guy is pretty smart. Don't underestimate him.

It was funny to me what he did. If I were Beck, I would have kicked his butt off of the stage. But, Beck was so shocked, he couldn't do anything.

Its a show. Its entertainment. That is all.

The broadcast of the Grammy's was delayed for a few hours for a reason. So that the producers can edit stupid words, and events. They choose not to edit out Kayne West's antics for a reason. They wanted the TV audience to see it. It makes people talk and tune in.

enjoy the show