Kaboom Audio???

I wonder if anyone else does this:
I have recently found a new way to love gear. Lately I have come across friends and family who when at my home dig listening to music, but when asked, have no stereo other than maybe a Bluetooth speaker. I have taken to the habit of the secretey collecting the various components (mostly used and/or vintage) and once I have all the parts I call them out of the blue , ask if they can spare hour, then show up with their new system set it up for them and leave. I don’t tell them ahead of time, and don’t usually let on that anything is coming their way.Actually I have given this new act  the moniker of Streo Bombing and calling my self The Stereo Terrorist. I figure I can turn it into a non profit Corp and write off all losses (which is 100% in terms of finances), I’ll call it !Kaboom Audio Surpises!

If you’ve never befer done it.. you should!! and you create an audiophile ta boot... 


Showing 1 response by rodman99999

It wouldn’t surprise me, if the NSA and/or FBI weren’t already monitoring your communications. Gotta watch those trigger words. Certainly does sound like fun though. I’ve often passed my gear on, after replacement, to those with lesser systems, to broaden their horizons.