Just ordered Odyssey Stratos Extreme

Yesterday I took the plunge and ordered a Odyssey Stratos Extreme+++ with upgraded binding posts, wire and input jacks. This is the first time I have bought something sight unheard and unseen. I was all excited until I was told there is a 6-10 week wait:(

I am really excited about how this will integrate into the rest of my system. I would love to hear from others who have a Stratos amp. And now the long wait begins...........

Showing 2 responses by laserboi

I've been living quite happily with my Stratos Extreme SE Stereo for about 2 years now. I couldn't be happier with the sound, the service (20 year warranty) and the man behind the Odyssey name (Klaus). I'm a customer for life as I was given the chance to meet him in his home as I dropped off my stratos for repair. I spent about four hours listening to his amazing home system and he and his wife even treated me to dinner. Klaus is a true gentleman!


I've always had the best luck calling Klaus in the evening. He doesn't work the regular 9-5 schedule. In all reality he works a 12pm to 12am schedule. Make sure you leave a message and I'm confident he will get back to you.

Stereo5, I have never heard any Classe amps so I cannot ease your mind. What I can tell you is that his design is very much so based on Symphonic Line designs and they are world class without a doubt. I know I am very happy with mine and in terms of getting more out of the amp you might want to ask him about his statement series known as the Kismet. When I was at his house I had the chance to hear his Kismet mono's and they were like nothing else I had ever heard before.

