Just how great is Elvis Costello

Just got thru listening to Secret, Profane and Sugarcane for the umpteenth time and just sat back in awe and you know this album is in the running with at least 5 of his other albums as my favorite Elvis album. I guess my point is I have over the last 10 years became so conscious of what a treasure he is and really didn't give home the credit he deserves and would like to now. Every album is so different and he will take you down the road he wants you to travel.

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He's real good, but not in my great category.  Dug his first few LPs, lost interest.  Re D. Krall, so what?  Great to me (in singer/songwriter land) = Dylan, Otis Rush, Muddy, Brother Ray, Neil Young, Joni, Kevin Ayers, Robert Wyatt, John Cale, Lou Reed, Van Morrison, Bowie . . . and quite a few more.  Elvis C. works hard, is sincere and has a whole lotta talent and I have a lot of respect for him.  That said, he just doesn't have quite the magical factor that puts him in the top rank.