just got a rega mira 2000...need a good cdp

Hi all,

I'm new to this audiophile stuff. I've looked at many posts on audiogon both before and after purchasing my speakers and amp. This past weekend, I went to 5 dealers in the bay area, and ultimately ended up getting a rega mira 2000 amp and a pair of epos els 3 mini monitor speakers. For now, I'm using a cheap sony dvd player as a source, but would like to upgrade in the next couple of weeks.

In the store, I heard the mira connected to either a planet or jupiter, and it sounded amazing. I especially love the smoothness of the sound...very nice on all vocals! The epos speakers match really well with the mira, and they were only $300. I also heard acoustic energy, triangle, and usher speakers in the $500, but liked the epos sound a lot more. The cables I got were the ones they used in the store on the demo units, so I assume they are decent enough for me right now...I don't really know what brand they are, though.

Anyway, my budget is around $500 for a cd player. I am sort of leaning towards a used planet, just because that's what i heard in the store. However, I have read a lot of good things about the music hall cd-25.

Any suggestions? Thanks for all your help!

Showing 2 responses by kiwiman

Thanks for your replies...my only reason not to get the planet would be the new versus used factor. I could get a new MH CD-25 for about the same price as a used planet. Would I be sacrificing anything by getting a used cd player? Specifically, does the laser wear out, or get misaligned in any way?

Thanks again!
OK...I'm going to raise my budget a little bit...I'm thinking that if I spend a little more on a cdp now, it will allow me to upgrade my amp and speakers without having to update the cdp.

After reading many reviews, it seems like the Jolida JD-100 is a very fine player. I'm considering either the stock JD-100 (perhaps with different tubes), or a fully modded Music Hall CD-25.

Does anyone have any experience with either or both of these players?