Just confused about where to start

Hello all,

I'm looking to add speakers to my audiophile setup which currently consists of (very high end) headphones. I want speakers for everything the headphones cannot do - simple enough. Problem is, I'm having difficulty deciding which gear I want to buy. I demoed a pair of B&W 705 S2's today and was very impressed. Unfortunately, my budget isn't that high. It's $1500 total, for the speakers and amp combined. Source is a computer. I listened to a cheaper pair of B&W bookshelf speakers (can't remember which, but were around $1200) and was not impressed. I am leaning toward bookshelf speakers but don't know if getting floorstanding at this price point would be a large increase in quality. The room they will be placed in is only 100 square feet. I am willing to buy used.

So, my questions, summed up are:

Is bookshelf a better option than floorstanding?

Is it worth looking at cheaper B&W models, or should I look at other companies altogether?

At least with headphones, I like a pretty neutral sound, if not a tad warm. Are there any companies that predominantly have this sound signature?

How should the room size inform my choice of speakers?


Showing 7 responses by willemj

I have two questions:
1 Do you already have a headphone amplifier?
2 Would you mind using e.g. a Chromecast Audio streamer instead of a computer? I ask because computers usually have usb output, but amplifiers with usb input tend to be less common/more expensive.

In a situation like yours you want the cheapest decent amplifier you can find (e.g. a Yamaha AS 501), to have as much budget as possible for the speakers. In a small room like yours I would avoid floorstanders.

Small active speakers would be a good alternative, but the choice is more limited.
I am sure the Magnepan speakers will sound great. However, I am not so sure about the Peachtree amp. Other Peachtree amps have shown pretty weird measured performance in Stereophile tests. I think a Yamaha AS 501 would be far better, and for less. See here for a review of its predecessor the AS 500, identical but for the lack of digital inputs. For example, the frequency response under load is stunningly flat (and a lesson to Peachtree).
To elaborate on the room size issue: the Schroeder frequency of that room will be about 275 Hz. Below that you will suffer room modes (i.e. massive peaks and dips and hence boomy one note bass), and the more so the more deep bass you pump into the room. Hence my preference for speakers without deep bass. The bass that there is will still have to be corrected/equalized. Since you will be using a computer as a source, this is relatively easy. All you need is a cheap UMIK-1 calibrated microphone, using the free REW software. Measure the in-room response (you will be horrified), create a correction curve, and load that into the free Equalizer APO software (if you are using a PC, there are alternatives for other platforms).
That room is tiny, so you really do not need massive amplification. Spend as litle as you can on the amplifier (within reason) to have as much budget for speakers.
Can you use your headphone DAC/amplifier as a pre amplifier? If you can, you will only need a (modest) power amplifier.
You do run a risk with second hand speakers. They may have been abused, and they may have degraded. Many do not perform to spec anymore after only 15 years, or less if they have been in the sun in front of a window.
If budget is tight, nothing beats Yamaha with their AS 501/701/801 integrated amplifiers or their receivers like the RN803d that was mentioned earlier. I see no point in going second hand with budget gear: by the time you have had them refurbished, you may have spent more than on a new unit.
Howeer, you have not yet answered my question about your DAC/headphone amp: can you use it as a pre amplifier? If so, all you would need is something like a $200 Behringer A500 power amplifier.
The simple answer is: yes that would be the same situation as powered speakers. Off to a weekend assisting in a course on bicycle maintenance (cycle touring is my other hobby).
This is volunteer work for the Dutch Cyle Touring Club. The course is taught by the best frame builder in the Netherlands, in his workshop, and I am there to make the coffee and to give a helping hand. Camping in the orchard.
I am sure it will get me in the mood for this summer's tour, probably to the South of France.
As for your amplifier: since you already have the DAC/pre amp part of the chain, you may want to consider the 2x120 watt Behringer A500. Alternatively, for a bit more money but also better build quality, why not try to find a Yamaha P2500s or P3500s. I bought a 2x250 watt P2500s for my son for only 300 euro, and it is outstanding. The model has recently been discontinued, but you may still find one somewhere, and perhaps at a discount. See here for a review of the 2x350 watt p3500s: http://www.homecinema-fr.com/forum/amplificateurs-de-puissance-haute-fidelite/mesures-ampli-yamaha-p...