Just bought Technics SL1000 MK3 need to buy/borrow platter removal tools

Just purchased a Technics SL1000 MK3 turntable and need to purchase or borrow the platter center disc removal tool and the (2) platter removal handles so that the seller can properly/safely remove the platter for shipping.

Does the bearing need support like the SP10 MK2 does for shipping?
I have had SL1000 MK2's for years, but this is my first SP10 MK3.

Any packing suggestions would be appreciated.
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Showing 3 responses by jpjones3318

The lift handles are M6. Universal pin spanners work well for the nut, though the holes are 3.5mm while most cheap universal spanners use 4mm pins. You can use those but will need to file the pins down. There are a few out there that are 3mm: http://a.co/d/7Nf7DzJ

Read there reviews as I’ve seen some where 3mm pins are claimed but the reviews say otherwise.