Just a thought on first impressions, items for sale....and your thoughts.

When looking at a used car, the owner having it clean and looking its best is mostly what my experience has been.  The same is true with buying a home.  That said, I am somewhat surprised that her and on other sites like ebay, there are components that are dusty/dirty, finger printed and basicly not ready for prime time.   Your thoughts?


Showing 1 response by mijostyn

I just sold a bicycle on Ebay and aside from a few obvious scammers I had a great experience as did the fellow who purchased the bike. I do think you are better off selling Hi Fi gear on Audiogon for rather obvious reasons. 

There are many people out there that are, for lack of a better term, slobs. It does not occur to them that dust and dirt are a problem. They grew up in such an enviroment and they see it as normal. I think you can expect them to be more careless with their equipment and I would shy away from it particularly turntables, tonearms and cartridges. I do think the majority of us are meticulous with our gear.