I have used JRDG models 7M monoblocks for 10 years, mostly on Magnepan 3A speakers. When I changed speakers to Vienna mahlers, the 7M yielded a very sweet sound, but just slightly too rich in the bottom 2 octaves. This was expected, because the 7Ms have a damping factor only around the 200 mark, and the Mahlers are notoriously difficult speakers to drive. After a few months I upgraded amps to the latest JRDG 312, and all controll issues disappeared. . . still have the magical sweet JRDG sound that I love so much, but with a lot more top to bottom extension, greater detail. . . and with very fine, controlled, and pitched bass. The Continuum 500 integrated will yield a similar sound. 201 and 501 will not sound quite as refined initially, because they lack a key component of the other 2 models. . . a circuit called PFC that transforms AC into DC before feeding the power supply. . . an external PFC device called JRDG PC1 can be added externally to 102, 201, 501, Continuum 250, and Capri linestage.
Let me know if you need more info. Guido
Let me know if you need more info. Guido