JRDG Capri vs. Parasound JC-1

Has anyone compared these two preamps? What are strengths and weaknesses of each? Pros and cons? For me the size of the Capri is advantageous, as an example.
Seeking any and all comments concerning comparison or experience with either.

Showing 1 response by guidocorona

Thank you Kijanki, my views on well-broken-in Capri pres are known. Yet, not having tried JC-2 myself, I suggest that JC-2 be given several hundred hours of playing time until it stabilizes, then contrasted with Capri. . . As for the end result, not having access to the same high end crystal-ball that friend Pinkus seems to have happily sourced, nor assuming to own Macro's ears, I shall not attempt to venture prophecy (grins!).

Bottomline. . . Macro, be brave and open the box. . . try out JC-2, and please let us know your comparative findings. G.