Jplay Mini

I been using Jplay mini in Hibernation mode for a few weeks now and the results are stunning
If you have windows 7 or vista and like me a bit out out of your depth to build a dedicated computer based audio system then this will get you the similar results.
It will work with JRiver ITunes and Foobar as a plug in but the real magic is in full hibernation mould
It will take a ordinary DAC and transform it into something very special
If it is in hibernation you cannot stop it
The idea is to cut down on what is happening in your computer so nearly all your functions is not working.
This is one of the reasons why it sounds so good
It will make a $300 DAC sound like a $3000 dac and beyond but you sacrifice user control
Johnjc- So do you just create or load a playlist that you want for the evening and select play>>>>then hibernate? and let it do its thing until you need to alter it or access the player? Thanks.

p.s. Is the music playing from the RAM memory? Do you suggest 6 or 8 GB?
I would buy Jplay if it supported MP3 but the majority of my files are in that format(320 kbps whenever possible). MP3's are unavoidable if you like dance music and listen to other DJ's mixes.

I do have higher resolution files but not enough to warrant paying 100 euros for Jplay.

The music does play from memory in hibernation mode. I have 8gb of memory, and the memory set in Jplay to 4gb. I've heard people get good results with 4gb of system ram though. I'd say that would be a baseline minimum though.
Yes think 4gb ram is botton line from what I read for Jplay to function
Jplay will play apple lossless but I rather hear via WAV or FLAC. Like everything depends on personal needs and system
Tom If you copy files you want to play and then press space when in Jplay mini it will play your selection