My modified decades old B&W 801 are the ones I will always keep. My father (not an audiophile) mistakenly bought these studio monitor speakers, which sounded flat... awful -- they have built in casters, no less. Over the years I tried many different amp, pre amp combinations to no avail. Finally, I decided to give them one last chance and replaced the circuitry. North Creek's external boxes, each containing approximately 30 lbs of copper wiring, made for the perfect speaker, at least in my price range. In addition to the B&Ws, I've owned Polk, KEF, ML, Cambridge Audio, Cerwin Vega, JBL and others.
Journey ending speakers
Listening to to my stereo last night thinking about what upgrade I may do in the future. May upgrade my CD player or change phono cart or a new arm? But one of the things I will never change is my speakers. My journey has ended with the speakers I have now. Are you like me and have your forever speakers? Oh mine are a set of 30 year old 4 way JBL Studio Monitors 4345s.