Joule vzn 80 or 100 for merlins?

I am most likely going to go for a joule amp to drive my merlins but was wondering if the vzn 80's are going to be enough if I listen to opera at some what loud volumes. What about the stargates and heavengates are they worth considering?

Showing 1 response by drv

Well, this may be a little too late, but here is my take anyway. I use the Stargates to drive my Merlin VSMs and they sound terrific! More power than I need, although not the best in bass slam, voices and accoustic music is stunning with this combination. Audiomax is certainly incorrect in his assessment. The Stargates can drive the VSMs very easily.

In fact, they are among the amps Bobby recommends as great fits for his speakers and Jud has used them on his VSMs. So I bought mine as per the direct recommendation of the designers of both pieces of equipment. I don;t think you could get any better endorsement.

Happy Listening!