Joule LA150MK2 upgrade to LA150SE- Any comments?

Considering upgrading my current Joule LA150MK2 preamp to the LA150SE version at a cost of $1100. Has anyone gone through the conversion process, and can anyone give some feedback as to the changes or improvements? Thanx in advance.

Showing 3 responses by pubul57

Sam, it is a further refinement, not a wholesale change, so you should be ok if you choose to get the upgrade, both are great preamps either way:)
I did not noticed that nearly as much as the bass, but I'm 52 if you know what I mean:)
They are quite similar, unlike the differences between MKI and MKII, I think the bulk of the differences is considerably upgraded capacitors. They are cut from the same cloth so I don't think you will feel you have lost anything. The most noticeable improvement is in improved performance in the bass. Is it it better? I think so, but the MKII is no chopped liver either.