Joseph Audio RM7XL

Does anyone here own or have listened to the Joseph Audio RM7XL bookshelf speakers?

What are your thoughts?

Showing 6 responses by mezzanine

Thanks guys!

The Salk may be good but it is $3200. I also don't like the black front plastic around the drivers. If I ordered a pair in full veneer not only would it cost even more I also would not be able to return them to Salk then because its a special order. Thanks for the advice though Rsimms.

I like the size and the look of the Joseph and will probably stick to bookshelf size for now.
Hi Bob, I looked on Salks page. It is listed that the full veneer cost an extra $300. If you want the plinth in matching veneer it cost extra too. They do look interesting though. Would be nice to try them out but I would want the full veneer. I guess can't return them then.

Bob do you own a pair?
Hi Bob,

I have no doubt that the Salks are great speakers. Probably even better than the Joseph RM7XL's are.

But there are two things that I do like about the Joseph RM7XL over the Salk HT1-TL's. The first is that they are easier to drive. I like tubes and I have a 30 watt low powered tube amp. I will be able to use anything from 20 tube watts and up in my small room with them. This would give me flexibility. From what I read the Salks like a little juice to get them going. Maybe they work better with solid state gear? Recommended amplification starts at 100 watts!
The second thing I like is the front facing port on the Joseph's. It allows me to place the speakers a little closer to my back wall.

That's too bad. Maybe you have a refurbished pair? All the veneers I have seen on Joseph speakers look pretty good to me. As good as Dynaudio. I can't speak for the screws though. It is a smaller company than the others. I am sure they do not have all the manufacturing possibilities at their disposal as the big speaker makers have. Your Energy speakers are pretty good. They sold for $1500 over a decade ago. I am sure if they would sell them today they would be close to $2500. So it is not surprising the Josephs are not much better. But the plus for the Josephs are that they are easy to drive and stay close to 8 ohms throughout. You can use a 30 watt tube amp with them and they will sound great. In fact I would say they work best with tubes. Not sure what amp you are using? If your not using tubes already then try a tube amp with them.
One other thing I forgot to mention. Just write an email to Joseph Audio and give them your serial numbers. Tell them your concerns. They should be able to give you a history of the pair.
@ mynameisnoname

Perhaps they use the insulation because it works well for resonance? I can tell you are not happy with the build of your pair. That's too bad. But how did you like the sound?