Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls

There have been several recent threads that have included both of these speaker. However, much of the discussion has focused on the Perspectives, with a number of positive reviews. I am quite interested in hearing them, but am also seriously considering the far more expensive Pearls as well. 


I am wondering if anyone has done a direct comparison or has upgraded from the Perspectives to the Pearls?  I am specifically interested if the Pearls might overwhelm my room (13 X 18 with 9 foot ceilings) which is not a space dedicated to my system (it's my living room.)

Thanks in advance for your experiences with these two speakers. 


Showing 4 responses by disc

@thr1961 Down to the Waterline off of Dire Straits’ first album was a revelation for me with my Perspective2s.  So much air and space around the guitar notes in the introduction.  The sound of the guitar is just perfect.  Just stunning.  I like the rosewood panels, by the way; the sapele is lovely too.  

Re cabling, I am using Silversmith Fidelium with my Perspective2s.  They sound great.  My dealer recommended Transparent ultra bi wire but I haven’t pulled the trigger on that.  I did order biwire connectors from Silversmith.  In my experience, speaker cables can make a large difference.  But I don’t want to drop a few thousand without letting everything settle and getting a sense of the sound with the cables I already have. 

@prof so happy to hear about your experience with 2112.  Side one, in particular, is one of my favorites and I have yet to spin it since I bought the Perpective2s.  I’ll have to move that up in the queue.  I still have so much music to try out with the new speakers.  Very exciting.  

Aaron from Now Listen Here came by my house earlier this week and was a huge help with regard to placement and toe in.  It was a great visit and I am very appreciative.  He also brought a set of Transparent Ultra speaker cables. They definitely were a step up from my Silversmith Fidelium.  So, on the one hand, my system sounds better than it ever has due to Aaron’s good ears and help.  And, on the other hand, I’m left with a still very clear aural memory of the better sound I can have if I pony up the $$$.  Never ending.