Joseph Audio Pearl 3 to 20/20 Graphene Upgrade

Has anyone upgraded their Pearl 3 to the 20/20 Graphene version or A/B'ed them back to back? Looks like it's a mid-range driver upgrade along with tweaks to the crossover, I'm wondering what this upgrade yields sonically and how large/small of a difference it is. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by divertiti

That's really interesting, maybe a call into SEAS is in order. On specs alone, it looks like the breakup frequency got pushed up 1.5K, which allowed Jeff to push the crossover point up from 2K to 2.5K it seems.

As for Pearl vs. Perspective/Pulsar, it's a good point that Pearl is a true 3 way with dedicated bass units. That being said the midrange is often the most critical for tonality, so a meaningful upgrade in that region would still be great. The SEAS Excel W18EX003 driver costs about $1000 a pair, but the upgrade costs 5x that much, so really want to get a sense of how tangible the improvement could be.