Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners

I just got this CD and I love the honesty and emotion of it. Her voice is wonderful. I have some of her newer ones, but her voice and her raw emotion are so much better on Blue.

The recording is a little thin and wonder if there is a better version out there? Where do I get it? Last, can you Joni fans tell me which other albums are like Blue. I want to buy more of her stuff, but want the emotion, voice and style of Blue.

I know I should be more familiar with Blue as I am 44, but I just played it for the first time today. Now this is art!

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

Great thread. Takes me back to 1972, we were riding in a friends 63 Rambler Classic and my best friend tells me I goota hear Joni Mitchell "Blue." It was twenty years later that I really listened to it and had the same reaction you did. I lived on the island of Crete for three years and her references to the island such as "I got beach tar on my feet" are absolutely precious. "Court and Spark" is also a start to finish killer set.
I've listened to "Night Ride Home" three times in the last few days. It's my favorite post 1980 Joni Mitchell cd. No wait, it's "Turbulent Indigo" ... No wait ... Aargh, love em both!