Jolida Mod vs VTL ST-85

I've got a case of the upgrades again.

I have a Jolida 302B with Svetlana and ElectroHarmonics tubes and Von Schweikert VR-1 speakers.

I want better imaging and soundstage.........

I could send the Jolia up to NY for about $650 for an upgrade OR I could sell the Jolia for about $650 and throw in about $1,000 for a used VTL-ST85.

I heard the ST-85 some time ago and really liked it.... but, at this point, it is pretty hard to know which option would be "better". I listen to mostly rock, funk, soul, and folk type music...

I would be grateful for any optinions on this issue that any of you would be willing to share........

Showing 1 response by aroc

Agree with Newbee. Also try to address Power, Resonance Control, and Acoustics first. You've probably got lots of potential hidden in your present gear and room. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! High-end is in the details. :-)