Jolida JD100A

Ok based on the hundreds of positive reviews about this CDP I have decided to purchase one with a level 1 mod but I still have a couple of questions.
1. I see that both Verastarr and Underwood Wally sell this unit with their own modifications. Wondering if someone could give me advice on which one to choose? Pros and cons of both if any.

2. Being new to the "tube" world I was hoping I could get some advice on a good match for Jazz and Rock? I enjoy Rock music which is bass inclined (not hip hop), such as RUSH or Primus. I am also looking for great separation in the instruments with a deep soundstage. And of course the mids and highs are very important in their fluidity and detail.

3. Finally, like I said I am new to tubes and I am wondering how long they last.

I will be pairing the Jolida up with a pair of Monitor Audio Gold Ref20 and will be upgrading to either a plinius 9200 or Belles 250i integrated amp in the near future. I am also using Zu Cables across the board. Wax biwires for the speakers and Gede as the interconnect.
Thanks again for all your wonderful help!

Showing 1 response by sound_odyssey

The Sound Odyssey perspective: At Sound Odyssey we carefully develop an Upgrade/Modification strategy based on extensive testing that is targeted to correct weaknesses, or further develop potential attributes of a piece. Like all Jolida products, the JD-100 is an awesome piece right out of the box! However, the unit does have its flaws.

Most notably, they are:
(a) Noise from the power supply,
(b) A clock circuit that is does not control jitter very well, (VERY few CD Players do, even those costing several thousand dollars).
(c) Mechanical vibration from the transport, and
(d) Inadequate capacitors around the DAC and other critical chips/processors

Sound odyssey has developed three Stages of performance revelation for the Jolida JD-100.

PERFORMANCE STAGE 1- is the "Biggest Bang for the Buck" we correct many of the player's shortcomings in the circuit, not just slap on damping material.

PERFORMANCE STAGE 2- This package represents a DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT in all critical functions of the player. Combined, these mods form a synchronous coherence that will embarrass players costing 4K. This is a serious move into ultra high audio performance, yet it still retains the marvelous sound signature of the Jolida JD-100.

PERFORMANCE STAG 3- The DEFINATIVE and most comprehensive upgrade for the Jolida JD-100. We utilize the very best wire diodes, and capacitors, power supplies and other parts. This player delivers a musical experience that is first physical, then intellectual, and then emotional as you finally let go of contemplating the presentation of natural accuracy, imaging, tonality, pace and dynamics and relax into your favorite music. This process may take a while, as you will likely want to explore much of your CD collection on the first sitting! The PERFORMANCE STAGE 3 is the Giant Killer! The resolution, amazing soundstaging, an effortless natural tonality of this modded player will take down players 4K and beyond!