Jolida JD100 stock v. modded

I have a JD100 and am considering Underwood's level 1 or 2 mods. I've searched the archives, but it seems that most people buy this unit either stock or fully modded. Therefore, I would be interested in the comments of those who bought the unit stock and later performed the mods. Are the mods a significant upgrade? What are the characteristics of the modded player over the stock player? Would the modded player be done justice in my otherwise modest system? My amp is the Jolida 302b and speakers are Soliloguy 5.0. (See my "system"). FWIW, I'm also considering modding the amp.

Thanks in advance for your comments.



Excellent.  Thank You for the follow up.


Happy Listening!

I have a stock JD100.Sylvania 5751WA triple mica black plates JHS gold print and JPS labs the digital power cord.  I heard a nice improvement when I changed from the stock tubes.  I think this CDP does a great job, I've had it for 10 years and have no intention of replacing it.  I think it sounds great in my modest system.  You can see the rest of my equipment in my virtual system.



Thank You for the tube-rolling follow up.  There are a few Tube brands to be considered. How did you decide on Sylvania ?


Season's Greetings,


Well I thought the stock tubes sounded a little to solid state if you know what I mean.  I first tried a pair of GE 5751 black plates.  Those were a great improvement over the stock tubes.  A local guy had the Sylvanias so I gave them a try.  They further improved to sound so I stayed with them.  I sold a buddy the GE tubes.  He loves them in his guitar preamp.  So either of those tubes will probably make you happy.