Jolida JD-100 vs. Ayre CX-7E

I need a new CD player and it came down to these 2. I can get an used Ayre CX-7E for $2000 or a brand new Jolida JD-100 for $800. I was wondering if Ayre is worth extra $1200. Unfortunately, I can't audition any of these 2 players where I live. I know there are lots of smart guys here who can help me out.

I listen to classical and jazz. Please let me know what you think. I was able to audition Cambridge Audio 840C with my system but it didn't sound much better to me than my old Rotel CD player which is about to die.

My system:
B&W 805S speakers
Rotel RMB 1095 amp
Rotel RSP 1066 pream (I'm planning to replace this soon with Classe probably).
Thank you
If you want to stay around $1000 the Raysonic is nice, has tubes and it's a top loader. I think I saw one for under a grand. Happy Listening
The Ayre CX-7e is an amazing Redbook player. However, I'm not convinved it's the right player for you. I say this only becasue I used to own a very similar configuration as you (RSP-1066, RMB-1095, N805s). The RSP-1066 is not particularly transparent for 2-channel. It's not a bad basic HT processor, but as a double-duty 2-channel pre-amp, it leaves a bit to be desired.

Also, the Ayre CX-7e really excels when used as a balanced source, into a fully balanced pre-amp / amp. If you dumped all of your Rotel gear, and went with an Ayre AX-7e / CX-7e configuration (with your B&W N805S's), I think you'd be in heaven. I liked my N805s, and I think the N805S's are much better.

I know my response (on the surface) goes a bit off-course, but (IMHO) you're trying to build a system, not a collection of components. Is the CX-7e worth a $1,200 premium. Yes. Will you realize all the benefits. Not sure.
I just wanted to let you know that I ended up purchasing Raysonic CD128. I was able to get a good deal plus full warranty from a retailer in Ontario. I wanted Ayre but couldn't justify $2000 for a used player without any warranty.

Now, guys, I have tears in my eyes. I love Raysonic so much. This player is amazing. I can't stop listening. Everything sounds so much warmer (analog like) and more detailed than my old Rotel. I'm in heaven. Now, I want a new preamp, lol.

Thanks again for your help. This is a great little community.
Had my Jolida for a number of years, and it has performed flawlessly and musically. It's not the last thing in detail, there are others much more expensive that will be more revealing.

I can understand how some may find JD100 units uninspired, that is if the units that lack the following tweaks:

upgraded PC - a must
NOS tubes - I run Sylvania Gold Label 5751s, after doing much tube rolling
Walker SST on tube pins
Some type chassis dampening