Jolida JD 100 PC suggestions

Any suggestions for powercords for the Jolida CDP (mine has "level 1 mods")? Lots of comments on the many threads on this player to the effect that the PC makes a difference, but relatively few specific suggestions. The VH Audio Flavor 4 comes up; is that a good way to go, or do people have better ideas (esp. around that price point)?


Thanks, folks. All good suggestions; I'll probably try first whatever comes up reasonably, used.

"I like my Signal Audio Magic Digital PC." means the digital cable from Frank's "Signal Cable"? I have his SC and ICs already, like the SCs quite well.

Foster_9: Thanks for the suggestions. I gather one removes the stock tube covers when using the dampers? Btw, I do not powercondition, though I do run a dedicated circuit with cryo'd unplated hubbels from cryoparts. No idea whether this makes a difference, but I needed more outlets!


I use the flavor 4 on my mod1 with good results. It really comes down to what type of sound you prefer. Remember tubes, pc cords and ic's blend, so my suggestion is experiment!!!
Buy a cheap cord with the long term intention of upgrading the cd player. The CD-100 is a competent albeit unremarkable player that will inevitably have you realize its'limitations, tube rolling notwithstanding.
Audiofeil: Well, since you mention it . . . In addition to the Jolida, I use an Odessey Stratos Dual Mono Extreme, Marsh 2000b pre, and am in the process of putting together North Creek Eskas (listening room = living room; Eskas designed for near front wall in smallish rooms). I expect the CDP might be the most natural upgrade, finances and inclination permitting. I'm guessing I'd want to stay under 2k (used is fine), given the surrounding gear. Suggestions?
