Jolida integrated amp for Thiel 2.3's?

The Thiel 2.3's that have been in my primary system are going into a backup system in the bedroom at my girlfriend's house, about 13 feet wide by 11 feet deep. The speakers will have to go agains the front wall, 6 inches out, right against a dresser on each side, with a low bed directly in front of them no options there. Given the acoustic limitations w/ this placement, plus my emphasis on spending for my primary system, I want reasonably cheap amplification w/ tubes in it. I'm wondering if the Jolida 1501A integrated, which has a tube preamp section, will perform reasonably well w/ my Thiels (they've previously been hooked up to Ayre separates). Otherwise, I'm considering something like the VTL 2.5 preamp w/ an Ayre V-3 amp, or possibly something like a Rogue Tempest II integrated. Cd player would be in the 1K range.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by rar1

I know that you did not ask this, but have you considered selling the Thiels?

I am reminded of a speaker shopping expedition from a few years back that a good buddy and I went on. He couldn't pass up a liquidation sale that J&R Music was having on some TDL floorstanders. The bedroom, a typical small bedroom that one would find in a 2 family house in Queens, became the new home of these floorstanders. Speaker placement was like you would imagine, against the wall, on the opposite sides of a dresser and he would listen while he was in bed. Crazy set-up that never quite sounded right.

I have weighed in on a number of threads here about bedroom systems and just how much should be reasonably spent, especially when it is a small room. You could spend a small fortune on this one and still not be statisfied with the sound or be forever tweaking it.

I would say, sell the Thiels. The Jolida integrated is fine for a tube hybrid integrated. Pair the Jolida with some monitors, like the NHT Classic 3 ($600 at J&R Music) or the Rega R1 ($550), speakers made for near wall placement, and the Music Hall MMF CD25.2 CD player ($500 or so). If we are talking a triple dresser, the whole system could sit on the triple dresser.

It will be a system that looks good, performs well, is easy to operate, and wouldn't be unnecessarily hampered by room conditions.

Good luck, Rich