Jolida Hybrid vs. NAD or Rotel

Hello all,
I recently posted a query with regards to Jolida tube integrateds and some very inefficient speakers. The general consensus was that if I want to use my old Smaller Advents (which I do - this being the whole reason I'm investing in a new integrated amp in the first place), I'd need something considerably more powerful than a Jolida 102b. The Jolida 1501a hybrid was recommended, and I'd been looking into it. There isn't a Jolida dealer in my area, however, and I'm a little nervous about trying something sight unseen (and unheard). I did visit a local audiophile shop over the weekend, and the owner, who was very knowledgable and friendly, recommended Rotel and NAD. I'd heard NAD products in the past and thought they was alright, but nothing earth-shattering; however, I think I'd be very happy with the unit he demo'd (C720BEE, I think). I was also impressed with the Rotel offerings I heard. He said that either would drive my Advents well. Anyone compared Jolida hybrids to comparably-prices SS, especially Rotel or NAD? Budget is $700-1000 or so.

Showing 1 response by lars

Recently, I directly compared my small Jolida 1301 Hybrid (30 wpc) with a mint late model Creek 5350SE (80 wpc) driving a pair of relatively inefficient Totem Model One Signatures in my bedroom system. I kept the Jolida as there was absolutely no comparison with regard to musicality, dimensionality, tonality, and overall involvement. I noticed no undue coloration. When I absolutely must have more bass, I turn on the underrated Sunfire HRS-8 subwoofer. I've heard that the recently upgraded Jolida 102B sounds far better than the 1301. I soon plan to give it a listen. -Lars-