I would be inclined to agree with the thought that tubes and cdps are not an ideal match. I owned the Jolida twice (two units, about 1 year apart). Selling the first was dictated by finances, so I bought another when I had the chance as I missed that warm and er, fuzzy sound. But by then my ears had grown up a little and the rest of the system had become better too. It turned out to be a bit of a kid at a grownups' party.
Because I listen to a lot of large-scale classical, the player did not do it for me in the end. For someone listening to less complex music which does not demand resolution or transparency this player is a fine choice, as it is indeed very warm and melodious.
I moved on to the Consonance 2.2 which had resolution in spades but now have settled, hopefully for a while, on the Quad CDP99. While not as obviously resolving as the 2.2 I do not feel it misses any info either, and it flows the music quite well enough for me. As it also has a 6-input DAC and preamp built in that was icing on the cake for me.
Good luck.
Because I listen to a lot of large-scale classical, the player did not do it for me in the end. For someone listening to less complex music which does not demand resolution or transparency this player is a fine choice, as it is indeed very warm and melodious.
I moved on to the Consonance 2.2 which had resolution in spades but now have settled, hopefully for a while, on the Quad CDP99. While not as obviously resolving as the 2.2 I do not feel it misses any info either, and it flows the music quite well enough for me. As it also has a 6-input DAC and preamp built in that was icing on the cake for me.
Good luck.