jolida 502b

new to hi-fi. what are your thoughts on this product? are the modified versions found here at audiogon worth the money? reccomendations for integrated amps/seperates below $2500 new or used, tube or ss. listen mainly to classical and jazz. acoustic piano and vocals important. room 14x18 with 8' ceiling.

aloha keith
Ag insider logo xs@2xatagi
thanks for the response tab, very interesting and informative. wondering if you could give me some insight into your system, room size?

aloha keith
I have a 302b (50w/50w) that I modified according to what Mike (owner) of Jolida recommended. They are much simpler than the extensive Mods others are doing. With them there is a noticable tighter bass, overall detail and clairity, and quicker pace and timing. The Jolida recommended mods in order include:
1. Improve power supply w/ 4 hexfed diode replacement. (biggest improvement they have seen accourding to Jolida)
2. 4 wire wound resister replacements to pin 5 of preamp tubes. (better signal transfer to preamp tubes)
3. Upgrade premp 12ax7 tubes.(more noticable sonic improvement than output tubes - what you feed the power amp is very important)
4. Upgrade EL34 output tubes.
The other extensive mods others are doing have a small return for the money according to Jolida. Infact the capacitor, silver wire, volume control, etc.mods are very expensive upgrade and the ones I listed make the largest improvement.
My 302b uses the beloved EL34 tubes with its huge soundstage, romantically seductive sound, now clearer and faster. Who needs home theatre! Try watching a plain old video through tubes. Dialogue is so realistic and movie music is captivating. It sounds large and you don't even need a subwoofer.
I'm not minimizing music appreciation - as my wife says "It sounds like the musicians are on a stage in the living room." She is a trained choir singer and she likes it better than my Linn. It bums me out a bit, but the truth is that with the 302b (EL34 tubes) it sounds like music not sound bits.
Email me with any questions if you like.