Jolida 502A - Other owners, what speakers?

Got a Jolida 502A on the way and I need to get some speakers. What is everyone else with this amp using for speakers? I realize that my music taste, source and room layout will factor in but, if possible, I'd like a short list of what I should audition. Will probably be paired with a Pioneer DV-05 for now until I can get a Rega Planet Orig/2000. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by hoopster

Here is a bit of an off the wall suggestion for you: Sound Dynamics 300ti. These are great speakers that image well and sound fantastic. I have a pair in my BR system that I am currently driving with a 30wpc tube amp and a tubed pre. They are 4 ohm and I think about 89db and yes you do have to turn the volume up a bit but they sound great! I am having a Fisher 500c rebuilt that will be used with these and it is only 30 watts too. These speakers sold for $800 full retail but were discounted to about $500 and can be found for $250 to 300 in good shape on the used market. It took me several years of listening to a lot of speakers to bump these out of my main listening room. These speakers are one of the true audio bargains of all time. Hippy man, I think a pair of these should be on your list of considerations as well.