John Lennon

As this is the 20th anniversary of the tragic death of John Lennon i would like to share my respect with all Audiogon members.

Showing 2 responses by kevperro

I know that it may be inappropriate to slam the guy on the 20th anniversary of his death but I really have to differ with some of you. He was just a man. Why do we have to raise every icon to the level of a demi-god status. Was he talented? Sure.. But lets keep things in perspective. The guy was not Mother Theresa.
Perhaps any negative comments I have concerning John Lenin are best reserved for another time. I respect how many of you have deep feelings for the man. Any comments I have made are not in reference to John Lenin. I know very little about him personally and I don't pretend to know the heart of every public person. My comments are primarily aimed at the over-significance that we give to famous people.