Joe Strummer RIP

Joe Strummer ex of The Clash has died at age 50.
Some press reports indicate a heart attack as cause of death.

Showing 1 response by abex

Kind of late for a Eulogy ,but I am glad to say that I had the EXPERIENCE to see the CLASH and to turn other people on to them.

One of the greatest bands of all time,PERIOD.

They stood at the forefront of political music long after it was fashionable in the 60's and wrote about history and activism like no other band I know of.They where the common man's band for along time and still are.

Right before his passing I started getting my collection of the Clash together on CD and had most all of their stuff on LP.

They shall be rememberd not only by us their fans,but by a generation because of "Rock the Casbah".It is an historical tune now along with Joe.

Sorry to see you go Joe!
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