Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Thanks for your response. I'll look them up.

Got a DIY Teflon tubed twisted powercord from a friend. Is does have a positive effect. 

Next comes a LPS-1 power supply for microRendu. 
Can anyone plz compare Hegel h80 with Job integrated coz they have similar price n functions. I believe both are great products n I'm looking for an integrated amp at this price point. Btw my speakers are Usher mini-x, tyvm

And its not possible to have a audition on the Job int..
therefore have to hear from u guys, thx

If your Mini-X are these specs: sensitivity: 87 dB @ 1 watt / 1m, nominal impedance: 8 ohms, then the Job will be able to drive them well. Job amps are not crazy about loads of 3 ohms or less. With that said, I like the Hegel H30 but prefer Pass and Ayre over any Hegel at this point. I only say that because I have and love the Job INTegrated and would pick that in a heartbeat over the Hegel. I've owned a total of two H30 in the past but have moved on from any Hegel amp. If you ONLY have a digital source, the Job INTegrated is superb but with your speakers, I am not sure you will get enough volume to satisfy your needs. I don't play loud and will NEVER give up my Job INTegrated.
I just received my new Job Integrated, and have to say it is spectacular.  I am pairing it with Vandersteen Treo CT's, and am streaming from Tidal via Roon and have a Sonore Microrendu fronting the JobInt.  I have been using a Hegel H160 with the Vandy's, but it pales in comparison to the Job.  The Hegel seems overly polite, less "out there" and certainly less exciting.  Of course, over time, the Hegel may prove easier to live with, but I doubt it.  Just wanted to provide one more data point.  

Don Ivey